As teenagers are getting older and mature, it is a good idea to start to learn more about finances. A good way to start is to have their own job and be able to save and use their own money to but the things they want. The best way for a teenager to learn how to control the way they spend money is to have them earn the money.
Both adults and teenagers, who earn money, do not pour it down the drain. Teens will spend earned money differently than money handed over as an allowance by the parents. There are many ways for teens to become responsible and earn, below are a few strategies a teenager can implement in the next 5 minutes after reading this article to earn money.
Baby Sitting
This has always been a way for teenagers who have hand on experience looking after their younger siblings to make some money looking after other people's kids. However, even though this technique has been available for quite some time the amount of money a teenager can earn today is quite on the high side compared to years past. Depending on the part of the country you live, a babysitter could easily earn from $7 to $10 an hour. Work hard over the summer and really save a lot of money for whatever you want to buy. Remember do the job you are asked to do to the best of your abilities, never leave the child unattended or engage in other activities without keeping an eye on the child you are looking after.
Pet Sitting
People with pets sometimes have to go away for work or visit places like hospitals where pets are not allowed. Since they cannot take their pets with them to have to find an alternative, and that is where you come in. Other types of pet care could involve walking the pet every evening for him to get his exercises. A 30 minute walk with the dog could easily net you $8 a day.
A Job In The Mall
There are a lot of cool shops at your local mall that will need your help. Normally these jobs would pay from $9 to about $11 per hour. Ideally you should be up and running in the new position in no time and any experience you do not have will be provided.
Both adults and teenagers, who earn money, do not pour it down the drain. Teens will spend earned money differently than money handed over as an allowance by the parents. There are many ways for teens to become responsible and earn, below are a few strategies a teenager can implement in the next 5 minutes after reading this article to earn money.
Baby Sitting
This has always been a way for teenagers who have hand on experience looking after their younger siblings to make some money looking after other people's kids. However, even though this technique has been available for quite some time the amount of money a teenager can earn today is quite on the high side compared to years past. Depending on the part of the country you live, a babysitter could easily earn from $7 to $10 an hour. Work hard over the summer and really save a lot of money for whatever you want to buy. Remember do the job you are asked to do to the best of your abilities, never leave the child unattended or engage in other activities without keeping an eye on the child you are looking after.
Pet Sitting
People with pets sometimes have to go away for work or visit places like hospitals where pets are not allowed. Since they cannot take their pets with them to have to find an alternative, and that is where you come in. Other types of pet care could involve walking the pet every evening for him to get his exercises. A 30 minute walk with the dog could easily net you $8 a day.
A Job In The Mall
There are a lot of cool shops at your local mall that will need your help. Normally these jobs would pay from $9 to about $11 per hour. Ideally you should be up and running in the new position in no time and any experience you do not have will be provided.
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